Every time when I talk about the class based verification environment, most of my customers ask questions curiously about using HDL based legacy BFMs in SystemVerilog based testbenches. Many of my customers even approached me to convert their legacy BFMs into SV based transactors. From my experience, I would say you can’t easily exclude the legacy VIPs/BFMs while architecting the SV based TBs.
The SV based TB is completely based on Object Oriented Programming and it will use only *Classes*. Though class based testbenches are very complex, the actual challenge would be building them using legacy BFMs. One needs to understand he can't directly instantiate the Verilog modules in his class based verification environment because modules are static and classes are dynamic type of constructs.
Usually the chip will have diffrent kinds of standard interfaces that would be driven by some of the third party VIPs and internally developed BFMs. The VIPs from the external vendors are typically encrypted. Here the challenge is, if they are HDL based VIPs, then you can't directly use them as transactors in your SV TB. Also you can't re-write them as transactors because you have access only to the user interface. In this case, the only possible way is you should develop a SV wrapper on top of the VIP and convert it into transactor.
If your chip uses some of your internally developed BFMs, you can easily re-architect them as transactor. In some cases writing SV wrapper would be tougher and time consuming than rewriting them as transactors from the scratch. If you are sure that your BFM will be used by most of other long term projects, then you may want to consider the option, re-architecting it as transactor.
To understand how to convert the module based BFMs into SV based transactors, please refer:
Verification Methodology Manual
chapter4: Testbench Infrastructure
- Ad-Hoc Testbenches
- Legacy Bus-functional Models